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Click on the procedure from the list below to see a copy of our procedure document:

Complaints Procedure for Parents and Service Users

Early Years Practice - Absence

Early Years Practice - Intimate Care and Nappy Changing

Early Years Practice - Sleep and Rest

Early Years Practice - The Role of the Key Person

Employment - Induction and Probation

Employment - Safer Recruitment and Employment

Employment - Staff Supervision and Appraisals

Equality - Promoting Inclusion, Equality and Valuing Diversity

Health - Administering Calpol and Nurofen

Health - Administration of Medicine

Health - Allergies and Food Intolerance

Health - First Aid, Accidents and Emergency Treatment

Health - Infection Control

Health - Life-Saving Medication and Invasive Treatments

Health - Oral Health

Health - Poorly Children

Health - Sun Protection

Health and Safety - Animals and Pets

Health and Safety - Children’s Bathrooms Changing Areas

Health and Safety - Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

Health and Safety - Entrances and Approach to the Building

Health and Safety - Face Painting and Mehndi

Health and Safety - Festival (and Other) Decorations

Health and Safety - Group Rooms and Corridors

Health and Safety - Jewellery and Hair Accessories

Health and Safety - Kitchen Area

Health and Safety - Maintenance and Repairs

Health and Safety - Manual Handling

Health and Safety - Notifiable Incident Including RIDDOR and Ofsted

Health and Safety - Outdoors

Health and Safety - Risk Assessments

Health and Safety - Short Trips, Outings and Excursions

Health and Safety - Staff Personal Safety

Health and Safety - Terrorist Threat Attack and Lock-Down

Health and Safety - Threats and Abuse Towards Staff and Volunteers

Record Keeping - Children’s Records and Data Protection

Record Keeping - Client Access to Records

Record Keeping - Confidentiality, Recording and Sharing Information

Record Keeping - Transfer of Records

Safeguarding  - Allegations Against Staff, Volunteers or Agency Staff

Safeguarding - Death of a Child On-Site

Safeguarding - Incapacitated Parent

Safeguarding - Missing Child

Safeguarding - Uncollected Child

Safeguarding - Visitor or Intruder on the Premises